How Paris Black Got His Name

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How Paris Black Got His Name


 Paris told me about the background in which the idea of the name ‘Paris’ originated from. From that background, I did some research. Are you familiar with any Greek Mythology? If not, not to worry…I checked the story out. Before I give you the story, I thought I’d lend you a few tidbits first.


  1. Have you seen the movie Troy? It was released in May 2004 about the Greek tales by Homer “The Iliad” – story of Helen of Troy played by Diane Kruger, Prince Paris played by Orlando Bloom and Achilles played by Brad Pitt. The story dates back to 1193 BC when Paris steals Helen from her husband, which started a war.   Look for it…Troy.1
  2. Disney’s Depiction: Hercules 2: The Trojan War. The story of Paris as the villain, captures Helen. Hercules joins the Greek army leading to war. It has not yet been released.2
  3. The Myth started the very first known beauty contest. Paris was chosen to judge the most beautiful among three. Zeus (the King) asked Paris to be the judge among Zeus’ wife, and two daughters.3
  4. One of the articles written about Paris Black is titled with this myth in mind: Paris Black: Poised Once Again At The Gates of Troy.4





            Paris (Alexander) was son to Priam (King of Troy) and wife Hecuba. One of Priam’s daughters, Cassandra, predicted that Paris should be killed at birth or he would destroy the city of Troy. Paris was taken out to be killed, but was rescued by sheppards. He grew up away from the city near Mount Ida. He returned to Troy to compete in the athletic games.


All gods were invited to the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, except Eris. She came anyway with a golden apple “for the fairest”. Hera (Zeus’ wife), Aphrodite and Athena (Zeus’ daughters) claimed for the apple. The appeal to be judged fell on Paris (who was still living outside of Troy). They each promised him a prize in picking her. Hera offered power, Athena –military glory and wisdom. Aphrodite offered the most beautiful woman in the world as his wife and so he chose-- Aphrodite.


Helen married Menelaus, the King of Sparta and her twin sister Clytaemnestra married his brother Agamemnom, King of Argus and leader of Greece. Paris returned to the royal family, traveled to Sparta as a Trojan ambassador when Menelaus was away. Paris and Helen fell in love, left Sparta with the city’s treasures, returning to Troy. Spartans were sent in pursuit of the couple yet never caught them. They learned of their whereabouts, and sent delegation to Troy demanding for Helen and the treasure. The Trojans refused, the Spartans appealed to the oath, which was forced upon them by her father (Helen’s beauty was much too famous that her father only agreed to her marrying after all Greek warrior leaders made a promise to collectively avenge any insult made upon her). Greeks then invaded Troy.


(Some stories claim that Helen never went to Troy, but was carried off to Egypt by Hermes. Paris took her double). Paris and Menelaus fought a duel. Aphrodite saved Paris just before Menelaus was about to kill him. In the tenth year of the war, Paris and Apollo killed Achilles with an arrow pierced in the heel. Philoctetes killed Paris with an arrow shot from the bow of Hercules.


The sacred Statue of Athena was stolen (was supposed to give the Trojans the strength to continue the war, but the city didn’t fall). The Greeks strategically made a plan of a wooden horse filled with hidden armed soldiers, left in front of Troy. The Trojans tore down the wall, dragged the horse into the city and celebrated with what they had thought to be victory. At night, Greek soldiers came out of the horse, opened the gates and signaled the army. The city was completely in ruins. Helen was returned to Menelaus. 5



1 Trailer Preview of the Movie: Troy,

2 Disney’s Animated Voices, Etc. – Movies: Hercules II: The Trojan War,

4 the PARIS BLACK fan site Articles: Paris Black: Poised Once Again At The Gates Of Troy,

5 The Legends of the Trojan War,



I suggest you keep all of this in note as in the near future there will be several contests running with this post in mind.



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